जन्म : 9 फरवरी 1944, जार्जिया, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
भाषा : अँग्रेजीविधाएँ : कहानी, कविता, उपन्यास, विमर्शमुख्य कृतियाँ
कथा साहित्य : The Third Life of Grange Copeland, In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women, Meridian, The Color Purple, You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories, To Hell With Dying, The Temple of My Familiar, Finding the Green Stone, Possessing the Secret of Joy, The Complete Stories, By the Light of My Father's Smile, The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart, Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart
कविता संग्रह : Once, Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems, ‘Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning’, Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful, Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems, Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth, A Poem Traveled Down My Arm: Poems And Drawings, Collected Poems, Hard Times Require Furious Dancing: New Poems, Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart
अन्य : In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose, Living by the Word, Warrior Marks, The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult, Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism, Go Girl!: The Black Woman's Book of Travel and Adventure, Pema Chodron and Alice Walker in Conversation, Sent By Earth : A Message from the Grandmother Spirit After the Bombing of the World Trade Center and Pentagon, We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, Overcoming Speechlessness, ‘Chicken Chronicles, A Memoir’, The cushion in the road - Meditation and wandering as the whole world awakens to be in harm's way, Beauty : When the Other Dancer is the Self
MacDowell Colony Fellowships, Ingram Merrill Foundation Fellowship, Candace Award, Arts and Letters, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, National Book Award for Fiction, O. Henry Award, Honorary degree from the California Institute of the Arts, American Humanist Association named her as "Humanist of the Year-1997, Lillian Smith Award, Rosenthal Award, Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, the Merrill Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Fellowship, Front Page Award for Best Magazine Criticism from, Induction into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame, ‘Induction into the California Hall of Fame in The California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts’, Domestic Human Rights Award from Global Exchange, The LennonOno Grant for Peace