जन्म : 1937, बीजिंग, चीन
भाषा : चीनीविधाएँ : कहानी, उपन्यास, फिल्म-पटकथामुख्य कृतियाँ
Leaden Wings, The Child of the Forest, Love Must Not be Forgotten,
The Ark, On a Green Lawn, Emerald, If Nothing Happens, Nothing Will,
Only One Sun, As Long As Nothing Happens, Nothing Will' (translated short
stories), A Chinese Woman in Europe, You are a Friend of my Soul, Fever
(Shang Huo), Interior Heat, In the Twilight, Gone Is The Person Who Loved
Me Most (Shijieshang zui teng wo de nage ren qu le), Why... in the First
Place?, A Collection of Proses, Oversea Travels, Without A Word (Wu Zi)
2nd Mao Dun Literature Prize